date: 27.07.2024 current local time in Toruń:
Opinion research
How many times have you visited Toruń?
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It's difficult to know where to begin, however I have had a 'love affair' with this beautiful city from the age of six, when I first visited it some fifty years ago!
I have since visited it many times over the years and it has grown in its beauty, in every respect, over that time.
I'm glad to say that I have chosen it as my retirement home and inevitably my final resting place.
From a historic point of view it has always been an outstanding place to visit, however its beauty was hidden in the 60's and 70's by years of neglect and a lack of finances.
Today, it's a vibrant, colourful city with a city centre that is hard to match in any part of Poland, let alone, in some respects, the world.
It's a 'young' place, throughout the year full of students, that brings a smile to an older face, such as mine.
I have had the pleasure of bringing many friends from my homeland of Scotland to Torun, and they have all been impressed by the range of activities here, from the historic sites to visit, to the shops and shopping centres, restaurants, clubs and pubs with their 'summer gardens'.
There is something here for all ages to do and enjoy!
EU money has been well spent and many improvements have been made to the fabric of the city in terms of its buildings and roads.
Now the numerous restaurants and pubs have to compete fiercely with one another to attract tourists and to encourage their locals to visit them regularly.
The impression they will leave on their clients will depend on the quality of service they provide and the facilities found in their premises. I would hope that they realise that their washrooms and toilet facilities need to be up to western standards in order for their clients to leave them as satisfied customers!!!
Comment added by: Marek Gorski, United Kingdom, 03.04.2010
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