date: 05.02.2025 current local time in Toruń:
Opinion research
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According to the Nature Conservation Act, landscape parks are areas of natural, historic and cultural values, intended to preserve and popularize the values in conditions of balanced development. They are not excluded from economic use, yet the exploitation is restricted with a view to protecting the above mentioned values.
The Kujavian-Pomeranian landscape parks form the basic level of the so-called large-scale environmental protection, aiming at the preservation of the habitat and species diversity and the protection of the nearly natural conditions for flora and fauna community development. They include areas of relatively low level of pollution on regional and national scale, which provides excellent conditions for agricultural production and leisure.
Most of the protected areas are located in the north-west and north-east part of the region, and along the Vistula Valley.
The region can boast nine landscape parks altogether, which cover a total area of 232 762.8 ha, i.e. 13% of the region (8% of the total area of Poland). These include the Brodnica Landscape Park, the Gostynin and Włocławek Landscape Park, the Górzno and Lidzbark Landscape Park, the Krajna Landscape Park, the Gopło Millenium Park, the Tuchola Landscape Park, the Wda Landscape Park and the Complex of Chełmno and Vistula Landscape Parks.
To be developed soon

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