date: 27.07.2024 current local time in Toruń:
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Public telephone in Toruń can be found on the streets all over the city, at railway stations, post offices and some bars. Using the phone is quite straightforward, just when you have the right telephone card (karta telefoniczna) obtainable from a post office or roadside kiosk.

Some useful phone numbers:
  • Poland area code: +48
  • Toruń area code: 56
  • Police: 997 (or: 112)
  • Ambulance: 999 (or: 112)
  • Fire brigade: 998 (or: 112)
  • Weather forecast: 19221
  • Yellow pages: 118913
  • Time: 1926
  • Tour Guides: (+48) 56 6210422
  • Tourist information centre: (+48) 56 6210931
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lekki deszcztemp. 7.3° C
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