date: 22.02.2025 current local time in Toruń:
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Forests and nature around Toruń. Click to enlargeToruń is surrounded by a ring of forests stretching as far as Aleksandrów Kujawski in the south (some 15 km), Łysomice in the north (some 3 km) and along the Vistula river, both west and east. A relatively large area of forests causes that citizens of Toruń need not complain about a shortage of forest areas.
The northern, eastern, and southern outskirts of the city compose part of a vast area of protected landscape. The southern part of the city is a fragment of one of the biggest groups of inland dunes in Poland taken under protection as "The Area of Dunes South of Toruń".
Barbarka is the best:
On the northern outskirts of Toruń there is vast Barbarka Forest that constitute a recreational base of Toruń. There are hiking and biking routes and a natural – didactic route Toruń Bielany-Barbarka-Przysiek-Bydgoskie Przedmieście, which is well known in the region.
Barbarka Forest is a perfect place for recreation, relax and education for inhabitants of Toruń and tourists. It gives a possibility to direct contact with nature and relax in the non polluted area, which is a oasis of peace and silence and tourists have a possibility to sightsee attractive places.

Toruń forestsVistula terrace

Toruń. Topographical Feature. Click to enlargeToruń is situated in a landscape of the River Vistula's terraces and dunes. These terraces are separated by steep hills, the most characteristic of which is a hill situated along the Vistula, east of the rail bridge, across Winnica (the Vineyard) to Kaszczorek, in some places even reaching the height of 30 metres.

The lower (10-20 m) but steep terrace edge stretches between the village of Brzozówka, Toruń-Czerniewice and as far as Toruń-Podgórz.

On the flat surfaces of terraces (except for the inundation terrace) there are dunes. The biggest of them stretch out to the southern outskirts of the city, to the territory of a military training ground and their height reaches even 30 metres. The dunes vary in shape from parabolic and sand-ridge dunes to the irregular ones.
The dunes areas are covered with pine forests.

North-eastern outskirts are a fragment of the moraine upland that form a flat area with shallow depressions and small hilliness.

Toruń dunesToruń dunes

Suggested Reading:
Forests in the region of Toruń here
Barbarka Forest District here
Kępa Bazarowa Islet here
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