date: 22.02.2025 current local time in Toruń:
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Torun Old Quarter Map. Click to enlargeBeing established in two stages, the thirteenth-century urban layout of old Toruń has retained its original form. The Old City Market Square is located in its central part and is both the most important and presentable place in the city. Through the square, as well as along Żeglarska Street and Chełmińska Street, ran the major trade route between the south and the sea, whereas to the east and parallel to the Vistula River runs Szeroka Street, which has been one of the most important streets in the city for ages, leading to the Toruń New City and further east. Today, Szeroka Street is a major promenade overflowing with shops and interesting tenements built largely on Gothic remains and remodelled in the seventeenth, eighteenth and, particularly, nineteenth centuries.
Other important streets in the Old Quarter include, for example, Mostowa Street and Łazienna Street running perpendicularly to the bank of the Vistula, where a busy harbour was located, hosting also the sea vessels. As the width of these streets suggests, the Vistula and the harbour had major implications for the development of medieval Toruń. These streets and the Old City Market Square witnessed a number of momentous events in the city’s history, such as parades, ceremonies, tournaments, royal entourages, homage paid to the monarchs and, occasionally, also public executions.
Old City Market Square and Szeroka Street
Rynek Staromiejski Old City Market Square The most important square in Toruń (only for pedestrians), the very heart of the old Toruń; former square of Toruń Old (Main) City established in 1233
Rynek Nowomiejski New City Market Square Former market square of Toruń New City established in 1264
Szeroka Broadway The main street (only for pedestrians) of the Toruń Old Quarter. It joins the Old City Market Square with the New City Market Square. Shopping street, full of the exclusive shops and always overcrowded.
Mostowa Bridge Street One of the most important streets in old Toruń, once used to lead to the second in Poland bridge that transvered the Vistula River
Żeglarska Sailors Street One of the most important streets in old Toruń leading from Old City Market Square to the harbour bank. It is also called 'the Royal Route' as the Polish kings with the trains used to enter the city that way
Kopernika Copernicus Street In the times of Copernicus called Saint Anne Street. Nowadays named after Copernicus, as he was born in one of the houses on this street
Chełmińska Chełmno Street One of the most important streets in old Toruń leading from Old City Market Square towards the North and the medieval important cities: Chełmno and Gdańsk
Bulwar Filadelfijski Philadelplhia Boulevard The street and most popular with tourists and citizens boulevard leading along with the Vistula River and the remained old defence walls. It is here where you can admire the most beautiful panorama of Toruń. Philadelphia, USA is a sister city of Toruń.
Users' comments (1)
Justin Williams, 2018-11-15 21:32:09 (

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