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Museum in Grudziądz
Muzeum w Grudziądzu
Grudziądz, ul. Wodna 3/5 (3/5 Wodna Street)
65 km north of Toruń
Opening hours:
High season (May - September): Tue - Sun: 10am - 5pm | Mon: closed
Low season: (October - April): Tue: 10am - 4pm | Wed - Sat: 10am - 3pm | Sun: 10am - 2pm | Mon: closed
Admission fees:
6 PLN, reduced: 3 PLN, family: 12 PLN
Further details:
Museum in Grudziądz, tel. (+48) 56 4659063, fax: (+48) 56 4656966, e-mail:
• More on Grudziądz here

Museum in Grudziądz was founded in 1884. Beginning of the collections was a few private object sets provided as a gift for a new public institution. From its early days it has become a many-themed museum. One could see the monuments of archeology, history, ethnography, art, crafts and numismatics.

Permanent exhibitions:

Northern part of the Chełmno Land in the Middle Ages and in the Pehistory
The exhibition presents the settlements, material, spiritual and social culture of people living in these areas till the 15th century.
The exhibition is divided into three blocks representing the ages: Stone, Bronze and Iron. Each of these blocks is divided into periods and sub-cultures. The exhibition is started with a map, which contains all the known positions of archaeological sites in the northern part of the Chełmno Land.
At the oldest unit attention should be paid to the materials from the late Palaeolithic and Mesolithic campsites, including Grudziądz-Mniszek site and to the clay utensil sets, stone and flint tools of the groups of the first farmers from their settlements examined in Boguszewo, Gruta, Annowo sites.
At the block of the Bronze Age and early Iron Age the attention is paid to the sets of the jewelry of the Lusatian culture, weapons (arrow-heads), tools (hatchets) from the burial-ground in Grudziądz-Owczarki, separated findings and treasures (from nearby Świerkocin), as well as face-like urns of the Pomeranian culture.
Medieval Knights Settlement in Plemięta
One of the most interesting and most spectacular archaeological discoveries of recent years comes from excavation research carried out on the medieval knights settlement in Plemięta (in the Chełmno Land, near Grudziądz), operating at the turn of the 14th century. Excellent state of preservation of the tower with a staircase leading to it and the elements of the pole-framework structure allowed do make a partial reconstruction.
Medieval Jewelry from Gruczno
Artefacts presented in the exhibition come from two burial-grounds discovered in Gruczno near Grudziadz, dating back to the 11th-14th centuries.
Among the equipment of the skeletal burials the ornamentations of clothes distinguishes themselves and exceptionally rich sets of jewelry, less numerous items of daily use.
Grudziądz within the years 1920-1939
The city was then one of the most important centres of economy and politics in Pomerania Region, there operated large industrial plants. The city was a large military centre as well.
Gallery of the Pomeranian Contemporary Art
The exhibition presents works by artists associated with Pomerania region since 1945, among whom proffessors of Toruń's university: Bronislaw Jamontt, Tymon Niesiołowski, Stanisław Borysowki and others.
Cavalry Training Centre. The cradle of the Polish cavalry
It shows the rich history of one of the largest training centres for cavallery in Europe. The only school in its kind was founded in Grudziądz in 1920, acting out of necessity only to September 1939.
The exhibition presents melee weapons of the Uhlans (Polish light cavalry), uniforms and equipments of military and non-cavalry officers, photographs and documents, replicas of training equipments, horse tacks, regiment badges and distinctions. It is - thanks to donations and transfers of the Uhlans and their families - an important and true witness of the traditions of the school valued across the country and abroad.

Toruń region most interesting museums: Museum in Grudziądz location map
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