Lubostroń Palace Museum
Muzeum Pałac Lubostoń
Lubostroń (71 km west of Toruń) Opening hours: Tue - Fri: 12am - 4pm | Sat - Sun: 12am - 5pm | Mon: closed Admission fees: 4 PLN, reduced: 2 PLN Further details: Palac Lubostron, tel./fax: (+48) 52 3844623, e-mail: The palace was built in the years 1795-1800 by Count Frederick Skórzewski within the area farm Piłatowo, which changed its name to the present in 1800 (the heart of 'beloved secluded spot' (Polish: 'lube ustronie')). The palace's designer was Stanisław Zawadzki - an outstanding architect of the era of Polish King Stanisław August Poniatowski, who based the project after the Italian famous designer of the 16th century, Andrea Palladio.
i Inside the decorations from the period 1800-1806. In the rotunda hall - the palace's central room - walls and pilasters with four large red stucco reliefs ("The Battle of Płowce", "Queen Hedwiga accepting the Teutonic Knights in the town of Inowrocław", "The Battle of Koronowo", "Approval of construction plans of Bydgoski Canal by Frederick the Great"). Living room floor is inlaid with Polish and Lithuanian coats of arms in the middle. The interior wall painting were done by brothers Franciszek and Antoni Smuglewicz. The living room was decorated in the time of Polish partitions and bear witness to the patriotism of the owners.
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