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Museum in Brodnica
Muzeum w Brodnicy
Brodnica, ul. Sw. Jakuba 1 (1 Sw. Jakuba Street)
65 km north-east of Toruń
Opening hours:
High season (1st June - 15th September): 11am - 6pm
Low season (16th September - 31th May): Tue - Sun: 8am - 3pm | Mon: closed
Admission fees:
5 PLN, reduced: 3 PLN
Further details:
tel/fax (+48) 56 4983698, e-mail:
• More on Brodnica here
Museum in Brodnica was established in 1973. It collects the artefacts of archaeology, history, ethnography and nature. Museum in Brodnica functions in three historic buildings located in the town centre: in the 14th century Chełmińska (Chełmno) Gate, cellars of the 14th century Teutonic castle ruins and in the Baroque granary.
Museum organizes annual wide famous Historical and Archaeological Festival "Medievalia". Every year it gather hundreds of participants, among them Knight Guilds from all over the country and abroad and several thousand spectators.

Permanent exhibitions:

Sculptures and archaeological details of the chapel of the castle
(at the Teutonic castle ruins)
The exhibition presents relics of the sculpture ornamentation of the castle's oratory - one of the finest and largest in the Conventual castles in Prussia - discovered during restoration works. Although the number of exposed fragments of sculptures and other elements is small, the artistic and scientific value of this collection can not be overestimated, it allows to grasp the relationships between the works of artists and workshops in the area of Prussia.
Region of Brodnica in the Middle Ages
(at the Teutonic castle ruins)
The exhibition is based on research excavations conducted by the Institute of Archeology and Ethnology of the Nicolaus Copernicus University in Toruń, Museum in Grudziądz and above all by the Museum in Brodnica. The collection presented at the exhibition was supplemented by a variety of the iconography of the medieval days' works and jobs. One can look at the exhibition of relics from the old crafts (pottery, hunting, fishing, snycerstwem, smithing, antlers and bone processing, farming, food and weapons construction).
Snatched away from grounds
(at the Chełmno Gate / Brama Chełmińska)
The exhibition summarizes the results of research conducted by the archaeological museum in Brodnica for 25 years. We present here selected the most interesting archaeological sites and its artefacts.
Daily life of Mesolithic hunters of Mszano settlement 10,000 years ago
(at the Granary)
The exhibition was reconstructed in 1:1 scale as a Mesolithic hunters camp. The construction uses only natural raw materials available to people then.
The exhibition presents known by several seasons of archaeological excavation, selected areas of everyday life of the first inhabitants of the Brodnica region. They came around with first forests that took possesions of tundra left by last glaciations.

Toruń region most interesting museums: Museum in Brodnica and the branches location map
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