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Museum Castle in Golub
Muzeum Zamek Golubski
Golub-Dobrzyń, ul. PTTK 13 (13 PTTK Street)
42 km east of Toruń
Opening hours:
High season (May - September): 9am - 7pm
Low season (October - April): 9am - 4pm
Admission fees:
10 PLN, reduced: 8 PLN, schoolchildren: 5 PLN
Booking guides, entrance tickets, further details:
Toruński Serwis Turystyczny (Toruń Tourist Service), tel. (+48) 66 00 61 352, e-mail:
• More about Golub here
The castle in Golub-Dobrzyń was built in the beginning of the 14th century as a Teutonic defensive fortress. It was many times attacked, destroyed, rebuilt and finally converted in the Renaissance style as a palace of the princess Anna Vasa. Erected on a hill overlooking the town, the castle belongs to the most interesting edifices of Europe.

Permanent exhibitions:

It's the only room in the castle with original medieval interior decoration not changed during the Renaissance reconstruction. Therefore, we can admire such typical of the monumental Gothic architectural solutions as: high ogival window with traceries and rising up at the height of the second floor three-bay starlike vault.
Of course, the walls of the chapel had to be beautifully decorated with polichromies, however, for our times there are only fragments of 16th-century paintings on the front wall.
Just next to the chapel there is a smaller room used as the Teutonic infirmary, or hospital room. Later princess Anna Vasa practiced phytotherapy here.
The hall was rebuilt in the era of the Renaissance, when a castle was converted into a comfortable residence, so instead of small Gothic-styled windows and medieval vaults one can see large rectangular windows and simple entablatured ceiling. From the Teutonic Knights times only three narrow openings in the wall remained which once allowed patients to listen to services held in the chapel.
On the first floor of the east wing of the castle refectory is located, where the Teutonic knights once ate meals and were doing banquets. Entering this room unusual for a Gothic-style windows and ceiling entablature can be noticed.
The shape of the window has changed when in the 17th century castle has been rebuilt in accordance with the spirit of the new era - the Renaissance. However Gothic cross vaults hadn't been reconstructed then and had retained its original shape until 1842, when - because of the hurricane - the eastern attica collapsed destroying the ceilings from the top as down as to the basements.
Currently in the refectory one can see an exhibition of replicas of old weapons and artillery, as well as the specimens of medieval weapons.
In the days of the Teutonic knights the meeting and deliberations took place in the chapterroom. As the remnants of the medieval equipment of the room there are openings in the floor, which then formed part of the heating system bringing the hot air. Later on the room was converted into Renaissance style in which it has remained until today.
While in this chamber let's watch the portrait of the most famous Golub Renaissance starost: princess Anna Vasa. There is an opportunity here to meet one more mystery of the castle, namely (also with a medieval pedigree) hidden secret passage in the wall. Once covered with an image it allowed to eavesdrop the Convention sessions.
Later the chamber served as Anna Vasa's bedroom.
Torture room
In one of the rooms on the ground floor one can see the iron hooks on the ceiling. According to oral transmission they are the dismal testimony to the former premises of the room, which, if necessary, served as torture chambers.
Allegedly, before the Second World War there was a bowl with a gap which was used to make a terrible torture by means of drops of water which falled down on a convicted's head, who could even lead to a loss of senses.
Ethnography exhibiton
In one of a Gothic halls on the ground floor exhibition of Ethnography is held, where the items on material culture of the inhabitants of the neighbourhood are shown.

Toruń region most interesting museums: Museum Castle in Golub location map
Users' comments (1)
Linn Chinn, 2025-03-25 10:39:18 (

Thanks for sharing, this castle sounds amazing! I recently had to write a paper on medieval history and was totally stuck. Found this service  ? nocramming  ? and it helped a lot! The writing was clear and well-researched. If anyone else needs help with complex topics, I can totally recommend giving it a try!

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