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Fort IV of the Fortress Toruń
Fort IV Twierdzy Toruń
Toruń, ul. Bolesława Chrobrego 86 (86 Bolesława Chrobrego Street)
Opening hours:
High season (April - September): 9am - 8pm
Low season (October - March): 9am - 4pm
Admission fees:
5 PLN, reduced: 3 PLN
Booking guides, entrance tickets, further details:
Toruński Serwis Turystyczny, tel. (+48) 66 00 61 352, e-mail:
• More about Toruń 19th century fortifications here
Fort IV named after Stanisław Żółkiewski is one of the largest and most important forts of nineteenth-century Prussian Fortress Toruń. It was built in the years 1878-1884 as the main fort, the third in the series, was the base for the 500-person crew (2 infantry companies) and service department for the number of 14 medium- and 15-22 heavy caliber cannons (total about 800 soldiers and officers), and reached the peak of fortress engineering. In 1894 it received the name Yorck, commemorating the Prussian General Johann David Yorck von Wartenburg. It never participated in combat operations, thus has been preserved in very good condition. In 1920, together with the entire Fortress, was taken over by Polish army in good condition, but without the equipment. In 1926 Fort IV received the present name. From the early 1990s is made available to the public.
The sightseeing route around the Fort IV begins at its right wing, leading through the entrance yard with the guardhouse and the stables, then over the bridge to the main gate and the gorge casemate barracks, through the main potern with the war gunpowder magazine, the front casemate block with the armoured artillery and infantry observation posts, the main maidan, the upper rampart with the emergency shelters and the artillery depot, the fragments of the lower rampart, the shoulder caponier with the potern and the shell casemates of the scarp’s shooting gallery.
Besides the typical visiting either with a guide or on your own, we recommend the night visiting with torches escorted by our guide. Everyday from 8pm.
Discover the mysteries of the 19th century Prussian fortress, find out what secrets are hidden in the labyrinth of the underground corridors. Move back in time to see yourself cast as a 19th century soldier, taking the fortress…
Experience the thrill of a night walk along the corridors of the XIXth century fortress… perhaps you’ll have a chance to see a bat, or even a ghost, looming in the distance…
• Ask, book here

Fort IV of the Fortress Toruń
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