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Tony Halik Travellers' Museum
Muzeum Podróżników im. Tony Halika
Toruń, ul. Franciszkańska 11 (11 Franciszkańska Street)
Opening hours:
High season (May - September): Tue - Sun: 11am - 6pm | Mon: closed
Low season (October - April): Tue - Sun: 10am - 4pm | Mon: closed
Admission fees:
8 PLN, reduced: 5 PLN
Booking guides, entrance tickets, further details:
Toruński Serwis Turystyczny (Toruń Tourist Service), tel. (+48) 66 00 61 352, e-mail:
The Travellers' Museum has its place in an old granary at 11 Franciszkańska Street, which was restored and adapted for the needs of museum. On the back of the house there is a pavilion which was built for the purpose of presenting the photos taken by Polish explorers during their exotic journeys.
The museum was established thanks to the explorer and collector passion of the couple of Polish great globetrotters - Elżbieta Dzikowska and Tony Halik. It is worth mentioning that the collection is continuously complemented with new exotic objects from expeditions thanks to the generosity of Elżbieta Dzikowska.
A donation which was made for the citizens of Toruń by Elżbieta Dzikowska after Tony Halik's death makes the permanent exhibition of the museum. It is the set of objects from various countries and cultures collected by the couple.
Permanent exhibition:
Tony Halik - born for adventure
The exhibition is placed in the two floors of the building. The biographical part is a kind of introduction, and consists of the Toruń born explorer's documents, such as his birth certificate, Argentinean passport, ID and driving licence, sailor's documents, accrediting documents as an NBC journalist, numerous awards and prizes for the series of documentaries. The unique atmosphere of journeys is created by photos showing Tony Halik among Amazone and Mexican Indians, exploring Easter Island, as well as many Asian and African countries, and additionally his image as a sailor with inseparable camera on "Dar Młodzieży" ship on which he sailed around the Cape of Horn in 1988, or numerous voyages he made on his boat "Halikówka". The series of black and white photos documents the youth, the times of World War II, when Halik fought as a RAF pilot, as well as the period of the 1950s when he was traveling across Brazilian states of Mato Grosso and Goias, and the great expedition from Tierra del Fuego archipelago to Alaska, which he made with his first wife, Pierette, between 1957 and 1962. A lot of films, documentaries and photos were created at that time about the aboriginal inhabitants of America. Some of them present a small boy, the Halik's son, who was born during the fascinating journey, and given an original name, Ozana, to honour the chief of a Hinan Indians tribe (Brasil). The chief saved Tony Halik's life during the fight between two tribes.
The first floor of the building is filled with the interesting collection of memorabilia. Suitcases and bags with airline stickers from all over the world, caps with NBC logo, video tapes, camera, signify the character of Halik's job - a reporter constantly on the road. Apart from lots of photos and films, each journey meant for Tony Halik bringing back objects connected either with everyday life of people who he reached, or their ritual ceremonies. There are numerous folklore objects and souvenirs, weaponry, jewellery and amulets. One can see there vessels used for drinking yerba mate - a traditional drink of ancient and contemporary inhabitants of South America, made of Paraguaian holly, Cuban ritual masks, and ceramic copies of pre-Columbian figurines of deities and warriors of Maya culture from Jaina island. The headgear, which was passionately collected by Tony Halik, is a dominant element of the collection.
Users' comments (1)
johnnygy, 2021-11-25 18:40:35 (

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