date: 28.03.2025 current local time in Toruń:
Opinion research
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The tradition of Toruń theatre can be traced back to the theatres of the Academic Gymnasium and the Jesuit College, which staged their plays in Artus House in the 16th century. The plays included, for example, ‘The Reformed Saul’, a comedy, staged in the building of the Academic Gymnasium in 1604, and a comedy and tragedy about the decapitation of Carol Stuart, the King of England, in the Old City Hall in 1650.

The first building of the city theatre, which replaced the old Artus House was erected in 1802 in the Empire style. It has not survived till today, though. In 1896 the independent Provincial Theatre with a troupe of 18 pe-ople was established, while in 1904 present-day Wilam Horzyca Theatre was built.
Today beside the two oldest professional theatres: Wilam Horzyca Theatre and Baj Pomorski Theatre, a number of other theatre troupes perform in Toruń.
Wilam Horzyca Theatre
address: Plac Teatralny 1 (1 Theatre Square), Toruń
tel. (+48) 566225021, fax (+48) 566223717
web site:
Wilam Horzyca Theatre is the biggest and the finest theatre in Toruń. Since 1991 the dramatic theatre staff has been organizing the 'Kontakt' International Theatre Festival. Every year Toruń hosts a group of over 100 international observers (theatre makers, critics, students of drama schools, directors of such international festivals as London LIFT, Wiener Festwochen, Theater der Welt held in Germany, Belgian Kunsten Festival des Arts and Edinburgh Festival), journalists accredited to the Festival from such countries as Poland, Russia, Ukraine, Estonia, Belarus and Lithuania and hundreds of theatre lovers who come to see festival performances.
The Wilam Horzyca Theatre gives several premieres every year. The Horzyca permanent company of actors, carefully formed for many years, guarantees top-quality productions. Their performances successfully participate in many national and international festivals. Thanks to its rich repertory and openness, the Horzyca Theatre is a well-known place on the cultural map of Poland.
Baj Pomorski Theatre
address: 9 Piernikarska Street, Toruń
tel. (+48) 566522424, fax (+48) 566522715
Baj Pomorski is the only puppet theatre company in this part of Poland. The Actor’s and Puppet Theatre has been active in Toruń since 1945. From the very beginning it mainly focused on young audiences who were and still are given a chance to experience the beauty of the world of fairy tales, fables and legends. The company does not limit themselves to performances for children, however. A very important share of the present repertory is targeted at adolescent and adult audiences. Every year the Baj Pomorski holds the International Puppet Theatre Festival and co-organises the National Festival of One-Man Theatre Shows.
The new building of the Baj Pomorski, which opened in 2006, is considered one of the most interesting theatre buildings in Poland: the design was nominated for the TVP Kultura Award in the category of Culture for Children and Adolescents. Thanks to the thorough overhaul and modernization it underwent recently, the building’s potential for new solutions in theatre making as well as conducting educational activities has improved considerably. The novel technical and electro-acoustic solutions the building offers enable the company to create performances in which state-of-the-art multimedia techniques and innovative stage-set design ideas can be employed. Baj Pomorski company members participate in many projects and social programmes, including those for the disabled.
Wiczy Theatre
address: 20/5 Szymanowskiego Street, Toruń
tel. (+48) 691916848
web site:
Wicza Theatre has existed since 1991 and has been created by Romuald Wicza. The idea of work in the company is based on a various theatre research... Basically the theatre is guided by the objectives of a laboratory-theatre.
The theatre bases its work on hard movement, image synthesis, abridged words.
The Wicza Theater, apart from producing and staging original theatre performances, also provides artistic setting for various events.
These services include various actions based on happening, mime show, circus art, drama scenes, and fire shows.

"Zaczarowany Świat" ("Magic World") Theatre
address: 226 Szosa Chełmińska Street, Toruń
tel. (+48) 566545403
Founded in 1950 - since then more than 250 different plays have been performed to a total audience of more than 1 million.
The troupe is made up of 4 actors / actresses and work trough different theatrical forms (e.g. marionettes, drama).
Five new plays are produced every year, amongst these pieces from classical literature for children und plays dealing with modern day problems. Besides traditional theatre performances plays are performed in open air and both children und adults may participate in simple practical theatre exercises.
The troupe also performs outside of their home theatre - in the surrounding area as well as abroad.
Toruń theatre festivals
  "Kontakt" International Theatre Festival is one of the major theatrical events in Poland. It's held in May, organized by Wilam Horzyca Theatre >>
  "Klamra" Academic Theatre Meetings is all-Poland festival held in March, organized by Students Culture Club "Od Nowa" >>
  Toruń International Puppet Theatre Festival (Międzynarodowe Toruńskie Spotkania Teatrów Lalek) held in October, organized by Baj Pomorski Theatre >>
  Toruń One-Man Theatre Shows (Toruńskie Spotkania Teatrów Jednego Aktora) is held in November, organized by Baj Pomorski Theatre >>
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