(15 and 17 Kopernika Street - the best examples of Gothic houses (Copernicus House))
1. Middle Ages (1300s - 1510s):
Gothic houses (beginning of the 15th century)
The houses of the inhabitants of Toruń were from the beginning of the 14th century built in brick following the Gothic Hanseatic type of house combining living accommodation and a store (granary) on the upper storeys. These multi storey buildings with a 'high vestibule' on the ground floor for trade purposes and with store-rooms were fronted on the street and provided with ornamental terraces. The facades with high gables were very richly decorated: they had recesses, portals, window frames ornamented with rich mouldings and sometimes with glazed bricks. The elevation were painted in many colours. It was all this which gave to the streets of Toruń their specific charm and colorfulness.
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(The Star Residence - the best example of Baroque patrician house in Toruń)
3. Baroque
(1690s - 1740s):
Baroque house with stucco ornamented façade and gable (1697)
At the end of the 17th century (late Baroque) there appeared in Toruń richly carved portals and a characteristic form of decorating the facades with vegetable ornamentation in stucco. Many elements of the furnishing of the interiors have been preserved including the winding stairs, decorative carvings, inlaid doors and painted ceilings.
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(28 Łazienna Street - two originally Gothic houses dating back to the 14th century were remodelled and joined into one in 1867)
4. 19th century
Neo-Gothic façade
(4 Łazienna Street - one of the best examples of the Renaissance house)
2. Renaissance (1550s - 1650s):
Renaissance house with 'wrought iron' ornament of the gable (1590s)

(7 Małe Garbary Street - one of the best examples of Mannerist-style house)
2. Mannerist house with 'tail' ornament of the gable (1640)
Along with the following centuries many Gothic facades were converted into a current styles. In the times of Renaissance (since the beginning of the 16th century) forms the Netherlands-type of Renaissance (northern Mannerism) became universal in Northern Europe. This style is exemplified above all by 'wrought iron' ornamentation of the gables and by carved stone portals.
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(18 Szeroka street - example of Gothic house completely remodelled in the 19th century)
4. 19th century:
Classicist-style façade
Since the beginning of the 19th century the process of rebuilding the old residences and houses occurred. A large part of monuments of architecture were destroyed, mainly in the course of building up additional storeys, pulling down beautiful gables, converting ground floors into shops and studios and changing the facades into Classicist style or Neo-styles (Neo-Gothic, Neo-Baroque etc.) or Art Nouveau. In this form the medieval Old Quarter of Toruń has survived until the present day.
But despite all these reconstructions there are some 200 houses within the Old Quarter that have Gothic architecture or its elements and there are tens of other houses with original Renaissance and Baroque either.